Health & Nutrition

Children’s nutrition is no small issue at GCCSA, Inc. Enrolled children get the best possible nutrition to help them grow up strong and healthy, and are provided a positive atmosphere where they experience and learn good nutrition habits. 

Our Head Start (HS) and Early Head Start (EHS) Centers serve nutritious meals and snacks through our participation in the Child and Adult Care Food Program. We establish smart eating habits by:

  • Providing nutritiously balanced meals: breakfast, lunch and snacks.
  • Serving meals and snacks to children individually and allowing children second servings from the vegetable, fruit, grain, and milk groups.
  • Encouraging children to feed themselves, try new foods and allowing them the opportunity to make decisions of what they will eat.
  • Providing special dietary meals as prescribed by a physician or as a family preference.

Health & Nutrition Newsletter: February 2023

What is the Child and Adult Care Food Program?

Health Services

Health is the foundation of school readiness. Your child’s overall health and development are needed for a healthy and happy child who is ready to experience new things. We work with families to help children thrive, providing standardized health and developmental screening which include speech, hearing and vision.

Head Start is required to follow the Texas Health (TH) Steps mandates. Within the first thirty (30) days of enrollment, a GCCSA Health Specialist will determine if a child is up-to-date on preventative and primary medical and dental health care. The goal is to assure each child has an ongoing source of continuous, accessible care, meaning a “dental home” and a “medical home”. We also ensure that all enrolled children have age-appropriate, up-to-date immunizations, as required by Texas State law.

Vaccination information

2022-2023 Menus

Updated information forthcoming

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